Thursday, 7 November 2013

First Internet Experience

I had my first internet experience at the age of 10. Seems like yesterday really, followed my mom to work one morning and in other to get rid of me and stop me from disturbing her she gave me a computer and allowed me to browse. What one could do with the internet was so wide that i didn't really know what to browse about. Not too sure but i can guess i checked something childish like, i was amazed, the fact that anything i mean anything you serach for could be seen as a picture, read as a story or watched as a video, it was a really amazing experience

Song of the day

I really love this song, it makes me remember some memories

Friday, 11 October 2013


So I did some research on how to get better grades and saw a website which stated "Drinking water during a test increases your grades" ....... guess i know how I'll appear next time we have a test


Question of the week... who could answer?


My worst part of the day is when my mum tells me to help her with the cleaning, stressful work, very tiring and discomforting... at the end I feel like I've just worked out at a gym.. my thighs start to burn, my sister took a picture of me helping out today!!

Thursday, 10 October 2013


By the way check out where you could get all officially released Jossy song's.....


Aunt asked her husband to look after the kid for one day.. she told him not to let the baby leave his sight and he should do everything exactly how she does... well lets just say.. my uncle isn't the brightest guy around


My aunt decided to starve her obese child some time last week, the poor fat dude was sooo hungry, he took my phone and called my lecturer and said some things.... I didn't see Mr.Richard for some days, and when i did he told me what little Andrew said to him


Was arguing with a girl the other day yea! and the whole block could hear her scolding me, all i asked was "Why are you Yelling" and this was exactly how she said this...  

Let Me Introduce Myself

Welcome to Meme Town... where I give you McLoving funny pictures... I am guaranteed to crack your ribs and give them to you to digest
Basically, in Meme Town I have pictures for all your moods.. down... up... sideways, I really dont care, all I really wanna do is make you laugh :)
Alright, so i'll just get right to business yea?... help me with the blog by suggesting types of pictures you would like to see me upload, in others words.... give me a theme, abrakadabra and TADA!!!
Look forward to seeing your suggestions